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+7 (921) 433-08-47
Промышленная водоподготовка и водоочистка
1. Company presentation
2. Certificate of membership in SRO-C-180-20012010
3. ISO 9001-2015 certificate
4. Declaration of conformity for pressure booster systems Akvostation.P
5. Declaration of conformity for sewage pumping stations Akvostation.W
6. Declaration of conformity for reverse osmosis plants Akvostation.O
7. Declaration of conformity for dosing units Akvostation.D
8. Declaration of conformity for Akvostation.MBR water treatment plants
9. Declaration of conformity for pumping equipment GSD
10. Declaration of Conformity for mixing equipment GSD
11 Certificate of the official representative of CNP Rus LLC
12. Company details
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
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